6. Electronic Music Lab (DeepSpace)

Sechste Runde im Electronic Music Lab…

I am happy to announce, that Daniil (professional musician and sound engineer) is cohosting the electronic music lab with me! In the upcoming meeting, he is going to deconstruct one of his productions for us and explain how he approaches music creation step-by-step.

Be prepared to learn a lot and feel free to bring a bag of questions.

Das EML ist offen für eure Ideen, Vorschläge und Fragen!

Electronic Music Lab

  • Musik hören, über Musik reden
  • Experimentieren, Beats machen, Musik produzieren
  • Lernen, Projekte vorstellen, Feedback einholen, einander helfen
  • DJing, Nightlife & Club-Kultur

Join the Slack-Channel for a lively discussion!

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